

Nextjs project guidelines

These are my preffered project guidelines in nextjs: Project Structure - public/: For static assets - src/app/: For Next.js 13+ app router pages and layouts - src/components/: For reusable React components - src/hooks/: For custom hooks, organize


Martin Kulvedrøsten Myhre


Handling domain specific locale in next.js

When we deployed https://inmeta.no we decided to add a swedish (.se) page but we wanted to completly divide them when it comes to content. This meant we would not be doing the traditional /[locale]/...content also called i18n routing. Turned out tha


Martin Kulvedrøsten Myhre


Event listener hook for react

Events can be very hard to work with in react so i made a type safe hook that simplifies the process. The last thing i want is to download a whole hook library just for one hook so the simplest thing is to add it yourself. Usage:


Martin Kulvedrøsten Myhre


How to only deploy on spesific branches with Vercel

I found that its was not straight forward to configure Vercel to only deploy on the main branch so here is a guide and i hope it saves you some time. Note that in this project i am using Next.js but it should work with most frameworks. First we nee


Martin Kulvedrøsten Myhre
